Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Mould thing

A mould thing. A simple sepia filter just gives it that Ye Olde feel in my opinion.

The idea is from James's blog where you can read all about Filled Men and other mould-people.

Edit: here it is coloured.

Eleyn, the Creeping Death

Eleyn, the Creeping Death
Skin-taker, Crow-thing, Mistress of Hydra

AC 14
HD 5d6
ATT twisted dagger ("Stabby") d4 (double dmg on sneak attack), grapple +4 (four arms)

She was human once, an assassin of impeccable training, but her transgressions into darker places have changed her into a monster. With four arms, a monstrous head, and gaping eyes that can pierce stone, this harpy exists only in liminal places. A resolute survivalist, she clings to her bleak half-life as stalker and scavenger, eating carrion or stray children to satisfy her voracious hunger.

Eleyn can be met in either the city or the wilderness as a random encounter. If encountered in the city, a PC will be beckoned by a rasping whisper to the darkest and tightest alley in the vicinity. If in the wilderness, PCs might catch a glimpse of her in their peripheral vision. If you wish to warn the PCs more, perhaps they pass bowls left by locals where crows can be left, or tanning racks for skin.

Eleyn is always sneaking, and will attack from behind or above if possible. She can sneak anywhere, even in plain sight, essentially becoming invisible to enemies engaged in combat, although her reflection (a beautiful dark-haired woman) in mirrors or bodies of still water will allow PCs to track her whereabouts.

Dependent on her mood, Eleyn can be either friend or foe, determined by a d4 roll on the scale below. Offerings of dead crows and rats or unblemished skin alter this scale by 1, as will voracious compliments.

1 Hostile Stalking PCs like prey
2 Hostile Attacks before retreating to liminal if hurt
3 Wary Grapples from behind and demands business
4 Wary Demands (further) offerings of carrion or skin
5 Accepting Shows way to the lost 
6 Friendly Teaches skills in wainwrighting or stealth and reveals location of nearest secret door